Our priority is to provide field, outpatient, and residential services to a wide range of people in difficult life or social situations.
The Centre for Social Services Prague (CSSP) is a contributory organisation of the capital city of Prague, which provides mainly social, but also health, information, and educational services to the inhabitants of Prague. The services provided include, among others, services for homeless people, people in social and economic distress, in housing need, in psychological crisis or mentally ill, victims of domestic violence, returnees from prison, as well as families and individuals who need counselling in a difficult family situation or personal life. We operate, among other things, shelter homes, outreach programs, crisis and intervention services, counselling centres, and a whole range of other services. In addition to that, the CSSP is a coordinator and provider of humanitarian measures, especially in winter for homeless people, but also in other crisis situations.
The CSSP cooperates intensively with the City Council of the capital city of Prague and other important partners, such as social and health service providers, including hospitals and ambulance services, but also schools and educational institutions, etc. The CSSP is an important part of the social policies of the capital city of Prague, and it participates in the preparation of strategic documents and proposals for measures to improve the social situation of citizens of Prague.
Centrum sociálních služeb Praha
Žilinská 2769/2, Praha 4
E-mail: cssp@csspraha.cz
Phone: +420 296 332 014
IN: 70878277
Data box: 56uz5k6
Services provided:
Social and legal counselling
Sociálně právní poradna Kontakt (Social and legal counselling Contact)
Free social, legal and employment counselling for people who find themselves in a difficult life situation
☞ Ječná 3, 120 00 Praha 2
☏ +420 222 515 400
Services for people in crisis
Krizové centrum RIAPS (RIAPS Crisis Centre)
Continuous outpatient and residential services for people in acute crisis
☞ Chelčického 39, 130 00 Praha 3
☏ +420 222 586 768
Pražská linka důvěry (Prague Helpline)
Telephone and online crisis assistance
☏ +420 222 580 697
Services for people at risk of domestic violence
Intervenční centrum (Intervention Centre)
Assistance for people at risk of domestic violence
☞ Chelčického 39, 130 00 Praha 3
☏ +420 281 911 883
✎ klara.cernohorska@csspraha.cz
Program Viola (Viola Programme)
Counselling for people who cannot cope with their aggression
☞ Chelčického 39, 130 00 Praha 3
☏ +420 281 911 883
✎ klara.cernohorska@csspraha.cz
Services for homeless people
Terénní programy (Outreach programmes)
Material and psychological assistance to homeless people
☞ Donovalská 1658/30, Praha 11
☏ +420 604 291 269
✎ eva.stehlikova@csspraha.cz
Night shelter for homeless people open all year round
☞ Nábř. kpt. Jaroše, Praha 7
☏ +420 774 936 834
Shelter homes
Azylový dům pro rodiny s dětmi (Shelter home for families with children)
☞ Horáčkova 1096/3, Praha 4
Azylový dům pro matky s dětmi (Shelter home for mothers with children)
☞ Jasmínová 2904/35, Praha 10
Azylový dům Šromova (Šromova Shelter home)
☞ Šromova 862, Praha 14
Azylový dům Michle / pro muže (Michle Shelter home / for men)
☞ Chodovská 3137/6, Praha 4
Azylový dům Skloněná / pro muže (Skloněná Shelter home / for men)
☞ Malá Skloněná 521, Praha 9
Azylový dům pro ženy (Shelter home for women)
☞ Šromova 862/3, Praha 9
Azylový dům s ošetřovatelskou službou (Shelter home with nursing service)
☞ Šromova 861/1, Praha 14
Settling-in services
Nábytková banka Praha (Furniture Bank Prague)
Home furnishings and household items for low-income groups of Prague residents
☞ Obrataňská 1430, 148 00 Praha 4
☏ +420 731 649 875
Městská nájemní agentura (Municipal Home Rental Agency)
Mediation of rental housing for Prague residents in housing need
☏ +420 739 797 044
Psychological counselling, family therapy
Professional counselling for individuals, couples and families in serious life situations
☏ +420 731 056 716
Triangl - centrum pro rodinu (Triangl - Centre for Family)
Professional psychological, counselling, and therapeutic services for families and their individual members
☞ Chelčického 39, 130 00 Praha 3
☏ +420 739 592 068
Non-parental pre-school day care services in a day centre
Dětská skupina BONA (BONA Children's Group)
Alternative childcare service for children as young as two years old, offering flexibility, quality, and an individual approach
☞ Šromova 862, Praha 14
☏ +420 731 056 172
Services for criminal offenders
Resocializační a reintegrační programy (Resocialisation and reintegration programmes)
Complete solution of problems related to the reintegration of offenders with a suspended sentence and parolees back into society through the implementation of specialized programs for alternative sentencing measures in the Czech Republic
☞ Sokolovská 95, 186 00 Praha 8
☏ +420 731 605 313
Primary prevention
Pražské centrum primární prevence (Prague Primary Prevention Centre)
Professional methodological workplace focusing on primary prevention of risky behaviour in the territory of the capital city of Prague.
☞ Rumunská 1, Praha 2
☏ +420 222 074 126